Carpet Repairs
Carpet Pros is the number one Charlotte firm in the highly specialized field of carpet repair.


Properly and professionally repairing tears and blemishes in wall-to-wall carpet is a highly specialized process which definitely should be left to the professionals. Carpet Pros has provided this vital service for three decades and only employs career flooring installers who work with meticulous detail for the best possible result.
Carpet Stretching
It is rare to find a firm who can safely and professionally clean any fiber type, plus perform an expert job with repairing and or re-stretching your wall-to-wall carpeting. In fact, there are very few companies who have the knowledge and skill necessary to add these professional services to their menu.


Thousands of Happy Clients!
Carpet Pros is arguably the number one local firm in this highly specialized field. With thousands of happy clients and three decades of experience, Carpet Pros is Charlotte's #1 choice in the area of repairing and re-stretching all types of carpeting. From "bonded inserts" and transition molding replacement to correcting "Berber yarn pulls" and re-stretching wall-to-wall carpeting, Carpet Pros is the industry leader... Quite simply, no one does it better.